Cassie Hoeprich — Urban Planner


Professional Projects and Publications

Academic Projects and Publications



An urban planning professional and community-led person whose work includes community & economic development, urban design, community  engagement, and grant program management.

Cassie is a Californian living in Houston and serves as the Director of Planning & Economic Development for Downtown Houston+

Her past work includes shaping public spaces and community grant opportunities with the City & County of San Francisco, partnerships with the Exploratorium, building community-based governance for urban farms and gardens in SF and NYC, researching and designing with cityLAB at UCLA,  and shaping policy with Urban Place Consulting.

She serves as a volunteer with Houston’s Second Ward urban farm, Finca Tres Robles, loves cycling, gardening, and will bake you a cake for any occasion. She is passionate about grassroots initiatives to advance radical land ownership and stewardship, so don’t be shy to reach out of this is work you’re leading.